Vector Art

The look of vector art is very distinctive, and its uses are varied and many. Basically, it's flat graphic design shapes, usually made in flash, fireworks, or photoshop, and is very easy to manipulate and change due to the nature of the files being very small. I know there is a mathematical reason for this, but don't know what that is. If anyone knows, please leave a post. If you search for underground multimedia, flash art or vector art or similar types of words, you'll come up with quite a few original sites. I use fireworks 3 for all my vector stuff, mainly because it's so easy to use the effects, and you get really high resolution results. I hear gimp is also very good for this. vector graphics used in flash, [either made in fireworks and imported, or made directly in flash], can be hugely beneficial, as they take up next to no memory in the file size, making it possible to create quite complex flash files, with lots of graphic movement, without crushing the dial up user. The best use for this in flash, that I have yet to implement, is to make flash 'movies', by converting normal video images to vector graphics, and then manipulating them as usual. There's a great tutorial on this at Flashkit [possibly the best flash resource site in the world].
As I research multimedia sites, it's pretty common for vector graphics to be used in some way or another in the content, alongside other techniques. Here's a few samples to explore:
vector park...
flash applied vector art...
KVAD vector art...
nosepilot vector animation...
safeplaces...look around at this site, once you get in it's really worth it.
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