
Hard to know what to think

Yes I suppose most people are having the same thought, why did S Hussein not put up a fight, and why was he hiding down a hole, when, lets face it, he could have made arrangements to go anywhere. It seems next to impossible to believe that out he pops, without any attempt to make a run for it, and with no guards or back up defense plan. I am finding it very hard to believe. Another thing, a well known BBC radio News Presenter was flown out to Iraq on Friday, at very short notice, surely indicating that Mr Hussein had been caught and held from then, not the Sunday as reported. Are we to believe that news agencies and other journalistic bodies had priveliged information, and sat on it for nearly three days? As usual, none of it adds up, much like the events of 9/11, when, as listened to live on the radio and television, they seemed to lose a couple of fighter jets following the third plane, which were not mentioned again. I soon learned not to ask too many questions, as I was greeted with quissical looks and a shrug of the shoulders.


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