
News from Nowhere

I hope you like that, me referencing William Morris with such ease....I thought as I was working a bit on this blog, that I would mention I'm enjoying the extra special treat of having several emails read out live on air to 6 million listeners. It's on a show called Simon Mayo, on BBC Radio Five Live. my most recent was a well informed and eloquent slagging of Gram Parsons and the Flying Burritto Brothers. I know this may not always be a popular point of view, but this is what I said:

"...I must say the crimes that Gram Parsons is responsible for are many, heres just a few:

'The introduction of country music to a wider audience' actually means the blandification of a folk music that was the nations own already, making it suitable for the late 70's and eighties gross out of the superstar showbusiness style. see also jackson brown, eagles, nils lofgren etc....

the flying burrittos are possibly, apart from commander cody, the worst country band to ever exist...

expecting to be regarded as a generational hero just for extreme imbibment of pharmacuticals is not very interesting..

he never wrote any good songs

he looked like a girl

can you think of any more???..."

This prompted many emails and callers arguing from both sides....I wish I'd recorded it, but that would have probably been a bit too sad.


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