

Today is the day the laws in Britain change, and cannabis is downgradred to a 'class C' drug. This basically means it's still illegal, but a person with a 'personal amount' will not be arrested, or formally cautioned. It doesnt mean you can skin up a massive spliff in front of a primary school, you'll still be arrested. But if you are in a 'suitable' place, and are not causing annoyance, chances are you will be left alone by the rossers. [cops in UK parliance]. Check out the article from TimesOnline about the cannabis situation. Dispite new reasearch being published to coincide with the change in the law, that seems to indicate 'cannabis psychosis' is much more prevalent in young people than previously thought, the law came into effect, to no great cheering or protest, as the situation in most parts of the UK has been similar to this for a few years. Brian Paddick, the former Police Chief of Lambeth [Brixton] had pioneered a change in attitude, allowing police resources to concentrate on more serious drug crime, with startling results. Although the new research has slightly blurred the issues, most people are broadly in favour of the change.


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